Friday, 20 June 2014

Lentils Curried with Rhubarb and Potatoes

I found the recipe in English with ingredient amounts. 

Thank to:

1 cup dry "orange" lentils
1 very large sweet potato, peeled and sliced
1 Tablespoon oil
1 cup rhubarb, diced
2 Tablespoons liquid sweetener
1 Tablespoon curry powder
1 teaspoon ginger root, grated
1 teaspoon hot red chili powder
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup shredded coconut


Cover lentils with water in a deep pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and add raw sweet potato slices. Simmer until soft (about an hour). Remove from heat, drain, and set aside. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Heat oil in a skillet. Once hot, add rhubarb. Reduce heat and cook until tender. Stir in sweetener and seasonings. Mix with drained cooked lentils and potatoes that have been mashed together with a fork. Pour into a oven-proof dish and bake at 400 degrees until piping hot (about 20 minutes). Garnish with coconut. Serve with chutney and a big bowl of brown rice.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

More Rhubarb Recipes -- Curried Lentils

Another recipe from my neighbour -- she says this is so, so good.  Again....  English to follow French.

Faites cuire la rhubarbe, comme en Inde, dans un curry de lentilles et de patates douces. Mettez des lentilles roses dans de l’eau et amenez à ébullition. Ajoutez des tranches de patates douces et mijotez environ 1 h. Retirez du feu, pilez et réservez. Faites revenir des morceaux de rhubarbe dans de l’huile et cuire jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient tendres. Ajoutez un peu de miel, du gingembre râpé, du cari et, si désiré, du piment fort. Mélangez avec la préparation aux lentilles et mettez dans un four réglé à 240 °C (465 °F) pendant une vingtaine de minutes. Ajoutez de la noix de coco râpée et servez sur du riz brun avec un chutney.

Bring red lentils to boil in some water.  Add pieces of sweet potato and stir for about an hour.  Remove from stove, drain, and put aside.  Saute pieces of rhubarb in some oil unil just tender.  Add some honey, grated ginger, curry and hot peppers if desired.  Mix together with the cooked lentils and bake in the over at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes.  Add some shredded coconut and serve on brown rice with chutney.

Rhubarb Salsa

This morning I got an e-mail from Arta saying Moiya had dropped by with some rhubarb. 

My neighbour has rhubarb and knows I love it.  She has told me many times I am welcome to share her plants.  Often I do -- usually just to make a little rhubarb sauce to put on my ice cream.

She made some salsa a couple of weeks ago and brought some over to share.  It was delicious.  Here is the recipe.  (English to follow the French -- as we say in government).

Salsa. Faites cuire des morceaux de rhubarbe jusqu’à tendreté avec des oignons et de l’ail émincés, des raisins secs, un peu de miel, du vinaigre de vin rouge et du piment jalapeno. Passez au mélangeur avec des feuilles de coriandre fraîche. Servez avec des croustilles de maïs chauffées au four.

Salsa.  Saute pieces of rhubarb just until tender with minced onions and garlic, raisins, a little honey, some red wine vinegar and some pickled jalapenos. Mix with fresh coriander and serve with warm corn chips.