Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Anti-Inflammatory - The Breakfast 'Green Drink"

 So... I have been told by the wonderful (and painfully direct and truthful) Dr. Lam that my arthritis will hurt a bit less if I follow an anti-inflammatory diet.   Thus, I went and took at look at the changes that would be needed.  My first moment of sadness was in realizing how many of my favourite things are 'inflammatory'. (uh... like ALL of them?!)

However, having reached the point where pain may well be overwhelming pleasure, I went out and bought a "anti-inflammatory diet" cookbook to guide me in this new adventure. 

I thought I would share some of the recipes I have been enjoying along the way (along with my alterations!  :-)

The recipe that has become my 'go to' is this one... a morning smoothy.  Basically, into the blender (I use a good blender that can deal with ice) goes:

  • half an english cucumber
  • a pear (cored of course!)
  • half a bulb of fennel (anise) 
  • a big fistful of fresh spinach
  • freshly grated ginger
  • coconut water (or just water...)
  • Ice

At first tried to follow the instructions on amounts, but have shifted around a bit.   Particularly on the ginger.  I put in TONS (I adore ginger)... may a couple of tablespoons or more.  Add more water if you want it more watery, or more ice if you want it like a slurpy.

This makes a blender full.   I usually have a big glass, and then pour the rest into 1 cup mason jars (I usually get 3 of these), and then i have a few more servings for the next day or two.  It will keep this way the better part of 5-6 days (in the mason jar and fridge).  Massive amounts of vitamin C,  super refreshing, and a real waker-upper!

I never imagined I would be the kind of person to actually LIKE a green drink, but there you go.  The world is full of mystery.


  1. OK, I need to start making this too. You did share with me in the summer, and I'm gonna say, I didn't hate it. Don't expect it to be a fruit smoothie. But if you like the taste of green, which I do, it is a nice way to get a ton of vitamins into your body in a refreshing way.

  2. Also, I looooved seeing your notes written into the book!
