Over the holidays, I have been trying to work my way through more of these anti-inflammation recipes (trying to get my repertoire increased). Here is today's adventure: another effort to do something interesting with Cauliflower. Basically, a recipe in two parts:
A. Get the Cauliflower covered in a mix of oil, salt, pepper, turmeric, and shoved in a 400 degree oven for 20-30 minutes, til tender and slightly browned (and may I say, my life has been transformed since discovering parchement paper! What a glorious way to avoid all the work of scrubbling a baking sheet clean!)
B. Throw the other ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth:
- 1 T chopped parsley
- one garlic clove chopped
- I T lemon juice
- 1 scallion chopped
- 1 T maple syrup (I was out, so used honey instead)
- .5 t salt
- .5 t pepper
- 1 cup plain yogurt (the recipe calls for almond yogurt but I used a vegan coconut milk yogurt, and imagine you could use almost any yogurt)
- 1/4 cup almond butter (I substituted 2 T of pumpkin seed butter, and 2T of sesame seed butter.... i was out of almond butter!)
And here are they combined together (with Penny waiting hopefully to see if i was going to accidentally drop anything on the floor....)
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