Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Anti-Inflammatory - Roasted Cauliflower with (what was supposed to be Almond) Sauce


Over the holidays, I have been trying to work my way through more of these anti-inflammation recipes (trying to get my repertoire increased).  Here is today's adventure: another effort to do something interesting with Cauliflower.  Basically, a recipe in two parts:

    A.  Get the Cauliflower covered in a mix of oil, salt, pepper, turmeric, and shoved in a 400 degree oven for 20-30 minutes, til tender and slightly browned (and may I say, my life has been transformed since discovering parchement paper! What a glorious way to avoid all the work of scrubbling a baking sheet clean!)

B.  Throw the other ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth:

  • 1 T chopped parsley
  • one garlic clove chopped
  • I T lemon juice
  • 1 scallion chopped
  • 1 T maple syrup (I was out, so used honey instead)
  • .5 t salt
  • .5 t pepper
  • 1 cup plain yogurt (the recipe calls for almond yogurt but I used a vegan coconut milk yogurt, and imagine you could use almost any yogurt)
  • 1/4 cup almond butter (I substituted 2 T of pumpkin seed butter, and 2T of sesame seed butter.... i was out of almond butter!)

And here are they combined together (with Penny waiting hopefully to see if i was going to accidentally drop anything on the floor....)

You end up with a quite thick and creamy sauce.  And it is not a mere garnish, but a central part of the recipe.  The jury is still out for me on the flavour.   It is interesting, but not really something that if firmly in my 'palate memory'.  I imagine it would have a much different flavour with the almond butter.  On the other hand, we do have some nut allergies in the house, so there are some reasons to branch out into the other nut and seed butters.   I imagine this would also work with peanut butter and give you another quite different flavoured sauce (though this book is trying to lean away from peanut/legume towards other kinds of nuts and seeds).   I can see there is room for experimentation (and i think i am going to try adding hot sauce to it next time to give it more kick). 

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